
PAPER INDUSTRY TESTING SOLUTIONS (Cobb Testing - Spectrophotomer - Conditioning Cabinet)

Image   Cobb Moisture Test Rings & Rollers Model:   C0005 & C0006   This method for measuring water absorption of sized papers is used  all over the world.  A dry test piece of paper is placed under the cylinder and 100ml of water is poured over the test piece.  After following test procedures, the sample is then weighed again and the results  are calculated and reported as absorptiveness in grams per m2, according to the standard method.  Ring sizes available: 100cm 2 , 50cm 2 , 25cm 2 , 10cm 2   Spectrophotomer Model:   ColorTouch PC   The ColorTouch measures colour evaluation, brightness, fluorescence, whiteness & opacity.   A Windows based software package operates the ColorTouch PC.  This unique software provides the operator ultimate flexibility to develop and design specific operati...

INK & GRAPHIC PRINTING INDUSTRY TEST SOLUTIONS (Gloss Meter - Inkometer - Impact Tester)

Image   Tri-Gloss Meter Model:   ETB268-F2         This popular hand-held gloss measurement unit (multi-angle 20°, 60°, 85°) is used for assessment of coatings and finishing surfaces, such as, paints, varnishes, printing ink on materials such as marble, granite, polishing brick, ceramic tile, metals, plastic, wood surfaces and paper.   Electronic Inkometer Model:   1100   The Inkometer 1100 measures tack of printing ink under conditions closely approximating the dynamic conditions of the ink-distribution system of a printing press.  The instrument provides high accuracy and efficiency to improve quality by measuring integrated forces involved in ink film splitting as well as effects of roller speed, film thickness, temperature and solvent evaporation. ...

Portable Foam Compression Tester from IDM

MINIFLEX CLD Why measure foam hardness?   All foamers measure the density of their product. Not all foamers, however, measure foam hardness. Foam hardness has a major influence on the comfort factor of the furniture, bedding or automotive product in which it is used. Variation in hardness is one of the most common complaints from customers. Trying to judge the hardness of a foam sample by hand-feel is almost impossible. Every person will have a different opinion. To ensure consistent Quality Control of foam production, it is necessary to have an industry recognised foam hardness test procedure that will give an accurate, recordable value. The foam industry measures foam hardness by various different tests. These can be grouped as either ILD (Indentation Load Deflection) or CLD (Compression Load Deflection) type tests. The test procedure first measures the thickness of the foam sample (pre-load). It is then compressed 3 times to 30% of its origin...

Coefficient of Friction (COF) - Static & Kinetic Reporting

At a time when “value for money” is key for global customers, can you afford not to use IDM Instruments?   Coefficient of Friction describes the force of two materials which are pressed and/or rubbed against each other.   IDM’s model C0008 Coefficient of Friction (COF) Tester has been manufactured to determine the static & kinetic friction of a range of materials including coatings, composites, flexible packaging, foils, linoleum, metal, paper, rubber and more. Surfaces that are pressed together without movement are tested to determine a value of “static friction” where the same surfaces which are pressed together in movement is determined as a value of “kinetic friction”.   Coefficient of static friction usually results in a larger value than that of coefficient of kinetic values. Optional COF software provides stastistical analysis, test identification, adjustable data collection limits and many other features.   With 0.3% of full sc...


  Board Stiffness and crease recovery are key characteristics that affect the running performance of cartons on high speed packaging machines.   Crease & Board Stiffness Tester s are utilised by board manufacturers, printers and packing companies in order to supply an accurate reading of board stiffness and crease recovery before placing the finished products on the packaging line.   Pre-testing materials in this fashion prevents waste and increases packaging speeds. IDM’s C0039 Crease & Stiffness Tester is well known for it’s accuracy (0.1%FS), repeatability and affordability.     Options for the Crease and Stiffness Tester include a Cutter to quickly prepare sample test pieces and software to automatically capture the output of results to a PC.  Crease and Stiffness Ratios can then be calculated, test results can be saved and printed.  This makes IDM's model even easier to use.     Contact IDM for fur...

IDM Instruments Crease & Stiffness Testers

IDM's Crease & Stiffness Tester model C0039 and Cutter model C0016 has been released by IDM Instruments and comes in a new design. IDM’s precision cutter is designed to assist in the easy and accurate cutting of sample specimens for both crease stiffness and bending stiffness (resistance) testing. Benefits of Crease & Stiffness Testers include: ■ Consistency ■ Increased productivity ■ Decrease in waste material ■ Profit growth IDM’s precision cutter is designed to assist in the easy and accurate cutting of sample specimens for both crease stiffness and bending stiffness (resistance) testing. Now available with standard RS232 and software, the IDM Crease and stiffness tester can automatically capture the output of results to a PC where stiffness/crease ratios can be calculated, test results saved, and test reports created and printed. This makes the CST even more easy to use with accurate precision results.

Measurement Testing

IDM Instruments is able to complete any measurement testing for you. With hundreds of products available, we are sure to be your number one measurement tester. We can also loan our machines to you for measurement testing. Machines are available for short and long term. You can then perform your own measurement testing I your time while having the reduced costs of renting instead of buying an entire testing machine. We can perform measurement testing for carpet with machines such as our tetrapod abrasion tester or our static load tester for carpets. Measurement testing can also be performed for mattresses with machines such as our bedding impact tester, mattress compression tester, mattress rolator or our cornell type tester. If you would like to complete measurement testing for shoes, we can certainly accommodate you with our sole abrasion tester, shoe drop tester or a whole sole flex tester. We are also able to complete measurement testing for rubber with dry or wet din abrader, dry...