Automated Cornell Type Tester by IDM

The Cornell Type Tester is used to test the long term capacity of bedding to resist cyclic loading. The machine consists of a double hemispherical ram head on an adjustable shaft. A load cell is located at the ram head to measure the force being applied to the bedding. IDM has designed a Fully Automated Cornell Type Tester (model C0044-M2) which features: PC & Operator Prompted Software Adjustable Ram Head Load Cell Capacity: 500lbF (2200N) Multiple safety features Printable Data Sheets and Data Storage Real-time / remote PC and operational support by IDM via TeamViewer, Skype and other available sources The ram head is automatically lowered so that the load/position data can be recorded for a few cycles. This procedure is automatically performed at the start of the test and the subsequently at the end of each of the stages. Our unique software offers automatic and/or manually adjustable parameters and a two page colour...