ESM750S gets a Big Brother

The recently introduced ESM750S 750 lbF / 3.4 kN tension / compression test stand is a proud Big Brother. Welcome Model ESM750 , an extended length version test stand with the same height and travel specifications as the ESM1500. This test stand provides a niche solution for lower force, higher travel & higher clearance applications. ESM1500 and ESM750 single-column force testers are highly configurable solutions for tension and compression measurement applications, with capacities of 1,500 lbF (6.7 kN) and 750 lbF (3.4 kN), respectively. With generous travel and clearance, they are suitable for break testing, cycling, limit testing to a load or distance, loadholding, elongation testing, tensile testing, compression testing, and more. Satisfy various test methods through an intuitive menu with selectable test parameters, such as speed, number of cycles, etc. Up to 50 profiles may be saved and password protected. Crosshead positioning for sample setup is a breeze wi...